  • Shanghai Declaration highlights the role of quality in addressing global challenges

    Tuesday, 19 September 2017 Shanghai, 16 September 2017 – The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) has taken part in the second China Quality Conference from 15 to 16 September under the theme, “Quality: Improve the Supply Side, Usher in a New Era”. The conference was jointly organized by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) of the People’s Republic of China and the Shanghai Municipality. UNIDO’s intervention highlighted the important role of quality and related quality infrastruc

  • 英国自由电子激光加速器CLARA成功产生第一枚电子

    一阿秒(attosecond)是一秒的百亿亿分之一,一阿秒比一秒相当于一秒比320亿年。它也是英国科技设施研究理事会的达斯伯瑞实验室(DaresburyLaboratory)正在建造的自由电子激光加速器(FEL)所产生脉冲的时间。该加速器近期成功射出了第一枚自由电子,标志着由英国人设计建造的紧凑线性加速器CLARA可以正常工作,CLARA即将投入运行,为人类探索世界打开一个新的窗口。 自由电子激光加速器是当今世界加速器领域的研究重点,具有其它光源所无法比拟的优势,可广泛运用于物质结构探索、新能源发现、疾病防控等多个领域。但目前FEL技术尚处于起步阶段,有很大提升空间。原因是全球FEL装置很少,很多研究领

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